Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!!

Tonight mommy and me went with Tio and Bri trick or treating. I got to be with Bri's nieces; Erica and Bell. 

I was a little nervous walking up to people's houses and saying trick or treat, so tio went with me. After a couple of houses I told mommy I wanted to go all by myself. So mommy helped me up the stairs a little and I said trick or treat all by myself! I felt like such a big boy, I came running back to them yelling "I did it all by myself Tio and Bri!" 

Bell dressed up like Spiderman. Her costume was so cool. I had a blast getting all that candy, seeing everyone dressed up in costumes, and all the cool decorations at each house. 

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