Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Buddy Walk with my friends!

Every year mommy and me go walk at a park where there are a lot of people there. I got my face painted, ate some popcorn and cotton candy, and played with my friends- Rylee, Michael, Nathan and Abbie. We all rode together in Mommy's friend's van...and there was a DVD player in it so we watched Toy Story! Mommy told me that the walk was for people with Downs Syndrome, I'm not sure what that means but mommy said that people with downs syndrome may look and act a little different than me.

Of course I got a dinosaur painted on my face! Then we went outside and there was a huge bouncy house, Mommy didn't think I would go in it but I took my shoes off and jumped right in! I stayed in it until they were closing it, then I was really upset that I had to get out. Since I was upset mommy said I could play a bozo game they had there and I won a twizzler. 

These are my friends!! Mommy says we will do the walk again next year. I can't wait, it is always so much fun.

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