Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My First Bowling Trip!!

Me and Mommy went to the bowling place today. I have never been bowling before so I was really excited to learn how to bowl. When we got there we had to put on these funny looking shoes that had velcro on them. I got to pick out my own bowling ball. We had two lanes one had these things on it so that the ball didn't go into the gutter(What mommy called the holes on the sides) and the other lanes didn't. 

I do not like for anyone to help me with just about everything. I already had an idea of what to do, I knew I had to get my ball down to the other end and try to hit all of the pins. It was a little harder than I thought it would be. Even though my ball was the lightest one there it was still heavy to me and hard to throw it. I tried a couple different ways to throw the ball down there. 

I had so much fun and I knocked down a lot of pins! They played music there so in between my turn and Mommy's turn I would dance a little. Of course when it was time to leave I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay longer. But Mommy said it was going to storm outside so we had to get home before it got bad out. So I switched my shoes and we gave the bowling shoes back to the guy at the register. Mommy was right about the weather because as soon as we got into our driveway it started POURING! We sat in the car for a little bit and I got to get out of my carseat and sit on Mommy's lap and pretend I was driving. When the rain finally slowed down a little we ran inside, that was fun running in the rain too. 

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