Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 9, 2013


Mommy bought me a spiderman fishing pole and she finally got her fishing license so we were able to go. Papa went with us because Mommy wouldn't be able to touch the fish or worms. It was such a nice day outside, by the water it was really windy but it felt good. I had my new Bass Pro hat on and wore my sunglasses because it was really sunny and bright out. Within a few minutes of my line being out I caught my very first fish! It was so cool!! I went to grab it right away but Papa told me no because I would hurt myself on the hook. Once he got the fish off the hook I threw him back in the water. Mommy was really surprised that I just grabbed the fish and threw him in the water.

We took a picture with every fish that we caught!

Mommy caught a fishy too!

I had soo much fun fishing. But after two hours I was ready to go since it was around my nap time and I was hungry. I can't wait to go back again!

I really liked touching the fish, Papa dropped one on the ground and it flopped and flopped around, it was funny. I wanted the fishy to stay flopping around but mommy said that the fishy can't breath out of water so I threw him back into the water.

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