Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ninja stuff

So I went to this birthday party last weekend and it was a Ninja Party. I had no idea what a ninja was or what they did but once we played ninja games, I knew they were really cool. In my treat bag I got a couple of ninja action figures and I played with them all evening and the next few days. I kept talking about my ninjas and how cool they were. When mommy and me went to the dollar store I saw a bunch of cool ninja stuff there! I picked out the headband and dagger things (mommy forgot what they are called). I am starting to like a lot more "big boy" stuff. Mommy says I'm growing up too fast, I don't think I'm growing fast enough! Mommy thinks that I'll be a ninja for Halloween so we'll see what I am into then.

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