Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I'm 4..oh yea..I'm 4!

When I woke up from my nap mommy had balloons hanging from everywhere in the living room! I got to open two presents from her but the rest had to wait for my party in a few days.

I had my party at Tio's house since he has a huge backyard. I got a bounce house and a slide! 

This is my cousin Brooklyn, we shared some m&m's at my picnic table. 

I had so much fun at my party, we played musical chairs ( my cousin Erica won), pin the pocket on the minion, and a pinata! This was my first party where I had friends to invite so I was super excited when they came!

I had a cool minion cake too! I got so much stuff for my birthday we had to put it in two cars to take it all home! It was the best birthday party I've ever had! (Even though I've only had 3 other ones but I don't really remember them so they don't count lol).

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