Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, June 20, 2014

Adding another sport to my list..T-Ball!

Today was my first T-Ball game. I'm on the Padres team. I've never played t-ball before, just soccer and basketball. I love being on a team and having a coach but t- ball is a little bit boring sometimes.

I like when I get to bat and run the bases but then the rest of the time I'm either standing in the field or sitting down waiting for my turn to bat. Mommy says I'm more of an action person..that's why I like soccer the best. I love running and kicking the ball. I'm glad I got to try t-ball but like basketball, I probably won't want to play it least not on a team/

When I came over for a drink of water I grabbed mommy's camera and started snapping pictures. I wanted to get a picture of Nino, Papa, Nana, Tia Loretta and mommy all together. I think I did a really good job getting everyone in it and it's straight!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mommy's Birthday

We went out to eat for Mommy's birthday. We ate at Texas Corral. Mommy opened presents there and I got mommy some nice jammies and even signed the card myself!

Tio and Bri came...

and so did Nana, Papa and Nino. Mommy ordered cheesecake to go and when we got home I asked her to share a bite with me and it was yummy! So now I like cheesecake. I love being able to see my Nino, Tio and Bri a lot. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I'm 4..oh yea..I'm 4!

When I woke up from my nap mommy had balloons hanging from everywhere in the living room! I got to open two presents from her but the rest had to wait for my party in a few days.

I had my party at Tio's house since he has a huge backyard. I got a bounce house and a slide! 

This is my cousin Brooklyn, we shared some m&m's at my picnic table. 

I had so much fun at my party, we played musical chairs ( my cousin Erica won), pin the pocket on the minion, and a pinata! This was my first party where I had friends to invite so I was super excited when they came!

I had a cool minion cake too! I got so much stuff for my birthday we had to put it in two cars to take it all home! It was the best birthday party I've ever had! (Even though I've only had 3 other ones but I don't really remember them so they don't count lol).

Monday, June 2, 2014


My mom says that my great papa planted these flowers a long time ago and he wanted red flowers but every year only white ones would bloom.

Rachel writing:  After Grandpa passed away we got ONE red flower...and every year after that we always had one red flower and the rest white. Nana put the first red flower in the picture frame of his memorial (my brother pressed it for her). Then when Nana passed away we got TWO red flowers..and every year after, we always get two red flowers and the rest white. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Helping animals...Just like my Tio!

I went to a animal thing with mommy and Papa because Tio was there working at a booth. I got to see a cool turtle. I liked petting its shell.

Then I got my face painted...there were so many different things I could get on my face and when the lady asked me I said I wanted a puppy. She asked what color puppy I wanted and I said blue. 

Once we found where Tio was at, I got to help him and was giving out dog bones and talking to people..Tio and mommy said I was good at bringing people to the booth. I got to pet so many different dogs and cats! 

Yep, I even got to feed a little horsey! I liked feeding him, and then I got to brush his hair too. I wanted to stay with him and just feed him all day but mommy said that he was probably getting full and I wouldn't want to give him a tummy ache (but I think mommy was just saying that so we could leave the horsey). 

Mommy got a blue snow cone and I got cotton candy, but when mommy let me try her snow cone I wouldn't give it she had to go buy another one. I had never had one before since I usually don't like to try new foods but I am getting a lot better on just "trying" some foods. Mommy says if I try something and don't like it I don't have to finish it and she's just happy I tried it. 

Here's my blue puppy...I wanted him to stay on my face forever but I took a bath and mommy secretly wiped him off.

I had a lot of fun and always like going anywhere there are going to be animals..mommy says I'm going to be just like Tio because I love all animals.