Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rainforest Cafe

After we left the dinosaur show we took a cab to the Rainforest Cafe. I loved the cab ride! It was so cool because I didn't have a car seat and didn't have to buckle. There was even a tv in the back! 

Our table had a huge fish tank next to it! I got to wear a frog hat ( it kept falling down over my eyes so I took it off). 

Since I LOVE chocolate mommy ordered me a huge brownie volcano cake! When they brought it out it had a sparkler in it! We all got to share the cake since it was so big. After we finished dinner we went down to the gift shop and I picked out a soft plastic alligator. (I watch Swamp People with mommy all the time and even say "That's a big gator" in a country accent lol) I loved this alligator and he slept in the bed with me and I shared my car seat with him too!

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