Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 19, 2014


When I woke up from my nap mommy said it was Easter and the Easter Bunny came. I walked in the living room and saw my Nino, cousin Brian, Nana, Papa, Tio and Tia Bri....I was a little moody since I just woke up. Once I started looking for the eggs I got excited and had fun. I got two big baskets full of toys, books, markers, legos, candy, the movie Frozen, and Spider-Man roller skates.

My roller skates came with knee pads. Mommy said these are beginner skates because I can leave my shoes on with them. I kept trying to get my balance on my own but I felt safer when mommy was holding my hands. I took a break for a few minutes then didn't want to skate anymore, I wanted to play in my sandbox.

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