Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Real LIVE dinosaurs....well sort of.

Mommy and Nana surprised me and took me to Dinosaurs Live. I didn't know how the show was, I thought it was a movie but then people came out and brought real, moving dinosaurs! It was sooo cool. 

When the bigger dinosaurs came out I got a little more nervous. We were really close to them and even though Mommy and Nana kept telling me they were puppets and showed me the people's legs sticking out of them, I covered my ears and closed my eyes for a little while. I'm still getting scared at loud noises and anything that I think might be scary. I love dinosaurs but these dinosaurs walked, sounded and looked very real!

I made it through the show and when we walked out of the theater there were people holding the baby dinosaurs in the lobby. These are my size dinos!! I wasn't scared of them and got to pet all three of them! 

They moved their arms, head and even blinked..just like a real dinosaur would! Of course when it was time to go I didn't want to leave but mommy said that the baby dinos needed to rest before their next show. 

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