Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 10, 2014

My first Meal at a restaurant...that I ate!

So as most of you know I had only ate baby food for the past 3 years. Well right before I turned four I started trying hot dogs, and gerber graduate chicken but mommy had to cut them up really really small (they almost looked like crumbs of food instead of pieces). I would only eat beef hot dogs and I had to have seasoning on it. Mommy slowly started giving me bigger pieces and I would eat them. But If they were too big I would gag. Then after I ate hot dogs for a couple days mommy gave me white rice (with some seasoning of course) and I ate ONE grain at a time, then slowly over the next few days ate more and more until I could eat a spoonful! It was all so suddenly, I just started trying more and more things, AND liking them. In just a couple weeks I was eating white rice, chicken nuggets, cheese rice, Nana's sopa, macaroni and cheese, french fries, ice cream sundaes, milkshakes, beans and cheetos. I am not as afraid to try foods now, mommy says all I have to do is try something and if I don't like it I don't have to eat it.(She said that all the time the past 3 years and it never worked. She always says that I do things when I am ready to, not when she thought I was ready) 

Mommy, Nana, Papa and me went to a Mexican restaurant. When we first sat down they brought out chips and dip. I ate a bunch of the tortilla chips, and tried the cheese sauce but didn't like it. Then I got chicken nuggets and french fries and ate a bunch of mommy's rice. I really liked their rice. I ate a little of my chicken nuggets but ate a lot of my fries and mommy's rice. It was fun sitting at a restaurant and eating all together. Since I ate really good at the restaurant we went to dairy queen and the video store after we left. I got a chocolate I can eat the whole sundae! I can't believe it took me so long to try food, there is so many different kinds and most of it is really good! I want to keep trying new foods so I can grow bigger and bigger. 

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