Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Oh yea..Soccer again!!

Mommy asked me if I wanted to play soccer again so of course I said Yes! I love playing soccer! This is my second time playing on a soccer team and I have so much fun and am learning so many new things. I am really good at running and kicking but when there are a bunch of kids by the ball, it's a little hard for me to get in there and try to get the ball but I have gotten a lot better this time.

I can balance really good on one foot while the other foot is on the ball. We use a different ball than we did when we played outside, this one is fuzzy and bigger. My coach was the same coach I had for basketball. He was okay but I really liked my very first coach that I had for soccer, he was so nice and always made sure we had fun. I have a friend that was in soccer with me before, his name is Bryson. He's next to me in this picture. We are the same age and get along really good. 

See how good I am doing!!

I stay out on the field the whole time and I try to get the ball every time someone else has it. So far I have had different color shirts for every sport. First I was blue, then yellow in basketball, now green in soccer again. 

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