Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

My family comes over the day before Christmas and we eat, watch tv and of course I play. We all sat at the kitchen table to eat dinner and were watching ELF, which I didn't really like but all the adults seem to laugh a lot while watching it. 

After dinner we all went downstairs for dessert. When Brian comes over he never gets to sit with the grown ups because I ask him to play the minute he walks in the door. He is a lot of fun and we can both draw dinosaurs really good (well he can draw way better than me but I'll be that good one day!) I always ask if my cousin Brian is coming over whenever Nino comes but Mommy says he works alot so its hard for him. My cousin Adrienne came over too and she even played blocks with me! 

When we were all downstairs we heard the dogs barking upstairs so Papa went up to see what was wrong and our other cousins came over. I know Helena from the Halloween and Christmas parties that I've went to. She is always a lot of fun too.

Christmas morning I woke up and there were SOOO many presents under the tree! My stockings were even filled to the top, Santa had came!! I got all of my Dragons, blankets, movies, clothes, lite brite, easel, games, candy, computer, walkie talkies, camera, games for my leappad and puzzles. I love puzzles! Santa brought gifts for everyone else too. I was so tired after opening ALL of those presents and helping everyone else open theirs..that is exhausting work. 
These are ALL of my presents!! I think I had a great Christmas, I can't wait for Christmas again next year!

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