Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 28, 2013

My 3rd Birthday Party!!

So I had my birthday party at Tio's house since he has a huge backyard. Everything was Dinosaurs, we had a dinosaur pinata, dino decorations, pin the horn on the dinosaur game, even Bri made a dinosaur out of watermelon for me! I had so much fun seeing a lot of my family there and playing games but I especially liked opening all the presents! My Mommy got me my first bike, Nana and Papa got me a REAL microphone so I could be just like Scott(Scott Holt, who Madden loves to listen to), and my Papa surprised me with my REAL first electric guitar..just like Scott! Its a little heavy so I have to sit when I play it but its so cool! I think I had a pretty cool Birthday!

 This was the cool Dino watermelon Bri Made^^
<-This was the cool sign that Tio and Bri made
Here's me playing the "Pin the horn on the Dino" game

I did the Bozo Game on my own and did really good

My first time hitting a was so much fun to be able to hit it!

Me and Mommy and my awesome Dinosaur cake!

I was playing like Scott, I make the same faces and do my hands just like he does!

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