Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Catch Up..

 Ok so a lot has happened since my last post. I'll try to fill you in on everything so the first thing is that I am out of DIAPERS!! I have a bunch of cool underwear I picked out and I go potty like a big boy now! I did really good and only had a few accidents at night but I stopped drinking so much milk right before bed and that helped keep me dry til the morning. Oh I got a BIG BOY BED too! I picked out a cool Spider-Man bed and got Dinosaur sheets for it. I did really good with sleeping in my big boy bed right from the start. Mommy and Nana weren't sure how I would do since I have slept in Mommy's bed sine like forever..but I was really excited to have "my own bed" and I had a few of my "pets" sleep with me. At first I just had Triceratops, Chico(stuffed dog that looks like the real Chico), and Chickie. I've slowly got more "pets" and now I sleep with Chickie, Pocoyo Jaguar, and Duckie, I tried to sleep with ALL of them in my bed but there was barely any room for me so I let the others sleep on my chair in my room. I still sleep in Mommy's room, right next to her bed because I still have to hold her hair while I fall asleep. (Even tho Mommy's neck hurts after a while and her arm falls asleep she still lets me hold her hair which is pretty nice of her) Umm lets see what else has happened...oh yea I TURNED 3 YEARS OLD!! I'll post all about my birthday party in the next post since I've already shared so much in this one.
This is me in my bed the FIRST night. (see my right hand was up since I was holding Momma's hair).

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