Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, November 8, 2013

My first Trip to the Shedd Aquarium!

Today Nana and Mommy got me dressed and said that we were going to the store...but they actually surprised me and said we were at the Shedd Aquarium! I was soo excited I couldn't wait to see all the fishies! It was really cold so mommy put a blanket around me since we had to walk down the street to the aquarium. The aquarium was really cool and there were so many fish. Of course after seeing all the fish I kept asking to see a whale, mommy and nana thought that was funny.
Mommy took this picture and she got a shark in the background! I really liked this picture!

Friday, November 1, 2013

The new addition to Tio and Bri's family- Sweet Martha!

So Tio and Bri just got a new dog. Mommy says that they rescued her from a really bad place and that she is very sick. She is 9 years old..I guess that is old in dog years because she doesn't look or act that old. I met her and mommy said I had to be calm (which is very hard for me to do, I'm always running and jumping around) and move slowly around her because she is sick. She was really sweet and very friendly to me, even though I was a little loud at some times. We gave her a hug because that would make her feel better, when I'm sick and mommy or nana give me a hug I feel better so I know that helped her. She wasn't as big as PopKorn so I wasn't as nervous with her. I really do love dogs, but when the dog is at eye level with me, it makes me a little nervous.
Martha held onto this pillow almost the whole time, Mommy says that her teeth aren't that good so I think holding onto that pillow makes her teeth feel better. 

I think she really liked me! She is the perfect size for me, not too small and not too big! When we were leaving I still felt bad because I wanted her to be all better. 

See in this picture you can see how much bigger PopKorn is compared to Martha...and of course Lucky in the middle. Mommy and Tio say that Lucky and PopKorn are Martha's brothers. I told mom that they didn't match, I think that they should look alike but mommy says that brothers and sisters can look very different from each other and be all different colors and sizes. I wish I had my own doggy but for now I use Chico, He isn't very cuddly or playful but he does lay next to me and climb in my bed sometimes so I guess that's ok for now.