Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, September 8, 2014

Fun in INDY!!

I always ask to go to Indy to the Dino Museum and finally we had time to go! I start school next week so mommy wanted to go before then. So we left for Indy as soon as mommy got home from school today.
Okay so as you all know Mommy and I love the Colts. This time when Nana, mommy and me went to Indy we got to eat at the Colts Restaurant for dinner. This was the front of the building..which was super cool!

I'm wearing my Colts shirt too!

They had huge tvs and pictures of different Colts players all around the restaurant.

Then we walked down to the Circle part of Indy where there horse and carriages parked. 

Mommy said that we could ride in one if I wanted to, so of course I said YES! It was our first time every in a horse and carriage. I was so excited!! Our horse's name was Dancer, he was a really pretty black horse. The lady drove us around Indy and we got to see all the tall buildings and even the Colt's stadium! 

It was a perfect night.

This was our horse Dancer. The carriage had lights on it which was super cool. Now I think everytime we go down to Indy I'm going to want to ride in the horse and carriage! 

Friday, August 22, 2014

My Favorite Place...The Dino Museum!!

This is my most favorite place in the whole world! 
I was soo excited when we finally got there! I was in a big hurry to get into the Dinosphere and see all the dinos.

This is a real T-Rex bone, I always touch it when we go there. There were paleontologists working on other dino bones behind the window. I wanted to go in there to see what they were doing but no kids are allowed back there.

This museum in so awesome because I can touch everything and not worry about breaking it. There are workers that bring out cool things and then tell us about them. These were all different types of teeth, some were from plant eaters, some from meat eaters and then they had people teeth too.

There was a guy telling me about all these things but after a few minutes I wanted to go see more dinosaurs. 

I have a smaller fossil like this at home..but this one is much cooler because it's so big. When it's time to leave the museum I get very upset. I almost cried when we left but I was a big boy and mommy said that we would come back soon so I didn't feel as sad. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

My first Meal at a restaurant...that I ate!

So as most of you know I had only ate baby food for the past 3 years. Well right before I turned four I started trying hot dogs, and gerber graduate chicken but mommy had to cut them up really really small (they almost looked like crumbs of food instead of pieces). I would only eat beef hot dogs and I had to have seasoning on it. Mommy slowly started giving me bigger pieces and I would eat them. But If they were too big I would gag. Then after I ate hot dogs for a couple days mommy gave me white rice (with some seasoning of course) and I ate ONE grain at a time, then slowly over the next few days ate more and more until I could eat a spoonful! It was all so suddenly, I just started trying more and more things, AND liking them. In just a couple weeks I was eating white rice, chicken nuggets, cheese rice, Nana's sopa, macaroni and cheese, french fries, ice cream sundaes, milkshakes, beans and cheetos. I am not as afraid to try foods now, mommy says all I have to do is try something and if I don't like it I don't have to eat it.(She said that all the time the past 3 years and it never worked. She always says that I do things when I am ready to, not when she thought I was ready) 

Mommy, Nana, Papa and me went to a Mexican restaurant. When we first sat down they brought out chips and dip. I ate a bunch of the tortilla chips, and tried the cheese sauce but didn't like it. Then I got chicken nuggets and french fries and ate a bunch of mommy's rice. I really liked their rice. I ate a little of my chicken nuggets but ate a lot of my fries and mommy's rice. It was fun sitting at a restaurant and eating all together. Since I ate really good at the restaurant we went to dairy queen and the video store after we left. I got a chocolate I can eat the whole sundae! I can't believe it took me so long to try food, there is so many different kinds and most of it is really good! I want to keep trying new foods so I can grow bigger and bigger. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Rides, Games, Animals and Fun!!

Mommy, me and nana went to the Lake County Fair today. We met Bri, her mom and sisters and her cousins up there. Mommy parked at a really big school and then we rode in a school bus to the fair. It was my first time on a real school bus. It was SUPER COOL! When we first got on I was looking for a seat belt to buckle in but mommy told me we didn't need one. I was a little nervous without one but it was still really cool to ride in a bus.

There was a small petting zoo there with goats, alpaca, cows, turtles, pigs and a camel. I got to feed most of them. It smelled really bad because all the animals go potty in there, I made sure I told mommy that really loud as soon as we walked in the tent. 
I really like Bri's niece Belle. She is a few years older than me but she is always really nice to me and we have so much fun together. 

She is old enough to go on the BIG kid rides; she went on one with mommy and all the other big people but she still was happy to go on the little rides with me. 

I had so much fun on the rides. Then we played games and I won a bunch of cool prizes. My favorite was a long horn that you can yell in and it makes your voice really loud (of course his favorite would be the loudest most annoying toy he won.). It was really really hot that day and we went right at lunch time so the sun was really bright. After being there for a while Nana was tired, and even though I said I didn't want to leave, I was glad when we were back in our suv driving home. We all had a lot of fun, I can't wait til next year when I can go on even more rides!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pool Fun

I am in swimming lessons and I do really good in them, except I don't like for my nose and face to get in the water. I'm afraid the water is going to hurt my nose. And I don't like to jump in the pool at home or at swimming without holding onto someone's hands. 

Today when we got in the pool mommy kept telling me that I could do the jump. At first I did jump but I held onto one of her hands. Then I jumped for the very first time all by myself and my head went under water! I did really good when I came up, and didn't freak out like mommy thought I was going to. You know what, mommy was right! She said that once I did it, I would see that it was a lot of fun and would want to do it more! As soon as I came up I wanted to jump again! I got to show everyone how good I jumped. Tio and Bri came over and Tio jumped in the pool and made really big splashes, then I jumped after him and tried to make splashes just as big as his. I had so much fun jumping in the pool, I can't believe it took me 2 months to do that!! I can't wait to show my swimming teacher on Friday, she is going to be so excited!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Zoo animals at the library

I'm in the green shirt in the first row!
Mommy took me to the library today and I thought I was going for regular story time but when I walked in the room there were so many animals in there! I was one of the first ones in the room so I got to get right up front...which is good because I'm so small compared to the other kids.

They had a chinchillas, hedgehog, skunk (but don't worry he couldn't spray his stinky stuff), birds, lizard, turtles, a baby alligator (which was my favorite) and a snake. I got to pet the snake when I left and it's skin felt really cool. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ninja stuff

So I went to this birthday party last weekend and it was a Ninja Party. I had no idea what a ninja was or what they did but once we played ninja games, I knew they were really cool. In my treat bag I got a couple of ninja action figures and I played with them all evening and the next few days. I kept talking about my ninjas and how cool they were. When mommy and me went to the dollar store I saw a bunch of cool ninja stuff there! I picked out the headband and dagger things (mommy forgot what they are called). I am starting to like a lot more "big boy" stuff. Mommy says I'm growing up too fast, I don't think I'm growing fast enough! Mommy thinks that I'll be a ninja for Halloween so we'll see what I am into then.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Mommy has been slacking big time on the blog!

So sorry for not posting in a LOOONG time. I'm learning how to type letters on her computer so once I figure out how to spell words I'll be able to type my own blog! Mommy made a big note and put it by her computer so she can remember to blog more. She was 7 months behind so I hope you enjoy catching up!

Monday, July 14, 2014

More Dinosaurs!!

Mommy, Nana and me went to see dinosaurs again! They had a bunch of new dinosaurs to see and two new ones to ride! I wanted to take a picture with the Transformers poster..they are really cool because they can change from a car or truck into a robot!! 

They even had a bouncey house there, of course once I went in it I didn't want to come out. Mommy had to tell me to get out like a hundred times before I climbed out. It's so much fun to just jump and bounce all around. They had a dilophosaurus dinosaur to ride so chose him and it was so cool. It moved back and forth and roared! 

I think my favorite dinosaurs were the Spinosaurus and T-Rex facing each other. It looked just like from the Jurassic Park 3 movie! We went in the store there and I got a new t-shirt, book, shark teeth, a huge t rex tooth, and some really cool gemstones. Mommy says I'm a science boy because I always pick rocks, teeth, or books instead of toys. I can't wait to go back next year!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Zao Island

This was my first time at Zao Island. There was a huge dragon in the front of the place. Nana, mommy and me got to play golf. That was my first time playing miniature golf. It was fun but by the 16th hole I was done and ready for something else. 

We got to feed baby alligators! I love alligators. I know I like alligators because me and mommy watch Swamp People together. But I call them "Gators" cause that's what they say on Swamp People. 

I even got to ride in a go kart! That was awesome! I rode them twice, but then they were too wobbly for mommy and hurt her back so we were done after the second time. Today was so much fun, we went golfing, fed the alligators, rode go carts, played games and I got to go in a bouncy house! 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Adding another sport to my list..T-Ball!

Today was my first T-Ball game. I'm on the Padres team. I've never played t-ball before, just soccer and basketball. I love being on a team and having a coach but t- ball is a little bit boring sometimes.

I like when I get to bat and run the bases but then the rest of the time I'm either standing in the field or sitting down waiting for my turn to bat. Mommy says I'm more of an action person..that's why I like soccer the best. I love running and kicking the ball. I'm glad I got to try t-ball but like basketball, I probably won't want to play it least not on a team/

When I came over for a drink of water I grabbed mommy's camera and started snapping pictures. I wanted to get a picture of Nino, Papa, Nana, Tia Loretta and mommy all together. I think I did a really good job getting everyone in it and it's straight!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mommy's Birthday

We went out to eat for Mommy's birthday. We ate at Texas Corral. Mommy opened presents there and I got mommy some nice jammies and even signed the card myself!

Tio and Bri came...

and so did Nana, Papa and Nino. Mommy ordered cheesecake to go and when we got home I asked her to share a bite with me and it was yummy! So now I like cheesecake. I love being able to see my Nino, Tio and Bri a lot. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I'm 4..oh yea..I'm 4!

When I woke up from my nap mommy had balloons hanging from everywhere in the living room! I got to open two presents from her but the rest had to wait for my party in a few days.

I had my party at Tio's house since he has a huge backyard. I got a bounce house and a slide! 

This is my cousin Brooklyn, we shared some m&m's at my picnic table. 

I had so much fun at my party, we played musical chairs ( my cousin Erica won), pin the pocket on the minion, and a pinata! This was my first party where I had friends to invite so I was super excited when they came!

I had a cool minion cake too! I got so much stuff for my birthday we had to put it in two cars to take it all home! It was the best birthday party I've ever had! (Even though I've only had 3 other ones but I don't really remember them so they don't count lol).

Monday, June 2, 2014


My mom says that my great papa planted these flowers a long time ago and he wanted red flowers but every year only white ones would bloom.

Rachel writing:  After Grandpa passed away we got ONE red flower...and every year after that we always had one red flower and the rest white. Nana put the first red flower in the picture frame of his memorial (my brother pressed it for her). Then when Nana passed away we got TWO red flowers..and every year after, we always get two red flowers and the rest white. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Helping animals...Just like my Tio!

I went to a animal thing with mommy and Papa because Tio was there working at a booth. I got to see a cool turtle. I liked petting its shell.

Then I got my face painted...there were so many different things I could get on my face and when the lady asked me I said I wanted a puppy. She asked what color puppy I wanted and I said blue. 

Once we found where Tio was at, I got to help him and was giving out dog bones and talking to people..Tio and mommy said I was good at bringing people to the booth. I got to pet so many different dogs and cats! 

Yep, I even got to feed a little horsey! I liked feeding him, and then I got to brush his hair too. I wanted to stay with him and just feed him all day but mommy said that he was probably getting full and I wouldn't want to give him a tummy ache (but I think mommy was just saying that so we could leave the horsey). 

Mommy got a blue snow cone and I got cotton candy, but when mommy let me try her snow cone I wouldn't give it she had to go buy another one. I had never had one before since I usually don't like to try new foods but I am getting a lot better on just "trying" some foods. Mommy says if I try something and don't like it I don't have to finish it and she's just happy I tried it. 

Here's my blue puppy...I wanted him to stay on my face forever but I took a bath and mommy secretly wiped him off.

I had a lot of fun and always like going anywhere there are going to be animals..mommy says I'm going to be just like Tio because I love all animals.